Train - nearest stations: Orpington (4.1 miles),Chelsfield (2.9 miles) or Knockholt (4 miles) Frequent trains from Orpington to London Bridge (fast trains take 17 minutes) and other London stations. 'Down' trains to Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells and Hastings.
Bus - R5 and R10 both stop close to entrance to Upper Site (1 bus approx. every 2 1/2 hours - no service on Sundays) Frequent buses between Orpington Station and Green Street Green which is approximately 2 miles along Cudham Lane North from entrance to Upper Site
Bus R5 Monday to Saturday 17 minutes to Orpington Station Cudham Shaws - stop Northbound at 06:32, 09:00, 11:36, 14:06, 16:33, 19:05 and 21:29 (Starts stop G High Street, Green Street Green and takes 30 minutes to reach Cudham Shaws)
Bus R10 Monday to Saturday 40 minutes to Orpington Station Cudham Shaws - stop Southbound at 07:19, 09:53, 12:28, 14:56, 17:27 and 19:25 (Starts stop G High Street, Green Street Green and takes 7 minutes to reach Cudham Shaws)